Like the Woman at the Well

One of the most recounted stories of Jesus’ time on this earth, was that of his unexpected exchange with the Samaritan woman at the well. (Read it here) As she made her way out of the city that day, carrying her water jugs in the heat of high afternoon, she had no idea her life and the course of history were about to be forever changed.

In my opinion, it is her unsuspectedness of this encounter that I find so fascinating. In her exchange of words with Jesus, she didn’t think twice about her responses, nor did she hold anything back. She was unabashedly herself, in all her hopeless glory!  

When her sin was exposed, she did not run or hide, in fact her boldness increased. She pressed in for more, and that day, she walked away from the well, transformed and overflowing with hope and freedom.

Are you willing to come to Jesus with your hopelessness? Will you press in for all He has for you today?


Like the woman at the well, O Savior,

Give me the STRENGTH to hold the reality of my past and present.

Of how it is broken, full of injustice, and desperately in need of You.

Give me the VALOR to see my sin, and to not hide from it.

To understand that it is a rejection of You when I try to make things right on my own terms.

Help me to endure my shame just long enough for your steadfast love to dismantle it.

Like the woman at the well, O Redeemer,

Give me SIGHT to know the Truth when I behold it.

May it be my constant companion, casting out every lie and imagination that has come, or ever will come against me.

And the eyes to see Your redemption possible in every past and present circumstance, and in those yet to come to pass.

Give me CLARITY to see how others have limited my access to You.

Of how I’ve let them dictate when, where and how I seek Your face.

Help me discern how their words and actions have distorted how I’ve come to know You.

Like the woman at the well, O Fountain of Living Water,

Give me the WILL to drink only of Your living water that can truly quench my thirsty soul.

To recklessly abandon trust in anything or anyone that is not You.

And to not settle for just a drink when you promised to spring up a well within me!

Give me the BOLDNESS to share all that You have done for me.

May Your good works in me be continually in my mouth, guiding others back to You.

Cause hope to rise from within me like the morning sun, pouring out the light of Your love wherever I go.

Like the woman at the well, O Prince of Peace, may I be forever changed.




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