“Healing comes when our story is raw, bone-deep and full of hunger for what only Jesus can offer.”

Dr. Dan B. Allender

Therapist/Author/Professor & Founder of The Allender Center

Let's talk about story

We were created for peace, yet we are born into a broken and imperfect world.

From an early age, we experience disappointment, betrayal and harm, leaving us to find ways to protect our heart from further heartache. In doing so, we attempt to soothe our hurt and fill the void with substitutes that all too often turn us against ourselves, leading us down the path of shame and self-contempt. We often find ourselves in isolation, cut off from meaningful connection with others, and even disconnected from our own bodies.

Story Work is an invitation to share and engage our story with others who will hold them with honor and truth. By engaging the wholeness of our stories, both the brokenness and the beauty, we can pour life into the dry and thirsty places of our soul, reconnecting us to others and God, giving way to life-giving transformation and healing.

Individual Story Work

You have a story.

It deserves to be heard, held with honor and receive safe and compassionate care.

Using the Allender Method of Narrative Informed Story Engagement, we will work through your story to hold both its beauty and brokenness, and identify themes in your life. By naming the impact of your childhood experiences truth is invited into your story, opening the door to transformative healing.

Individual Story work will begin with a 30 min Discovery Session to explain the narrative story process and discuss what you hope to achieve through our engagement. We will discuss options for working together and give us the chance to see if we are a good fit to partner moving forward.


  • Do you struggle to reconcile your past and present?

    Is there a negative soundtrack playing over and over in your mind, that you want to delete?

    Does it feel like someone has hit the “pause” button on certain areas of your life that you want to move past?

    Are you curious about how the events of your past are defining where and who you are today?

    Do you want to find hope and feel whole?

    Do you need a safe space to process your childhood?

    Are you ready to turn towards your past in order reclaim your future?

Group Story Work

Heal in community.

Story Group fosters a sense of belonging as we help each other to put the pieces back together and make sense of our past, opening the door to transformative healing. In sharing and engaging each other’s stories in a small group setting, we are invited to step out of isolation and back into community.

Using the Allender Method of Narrative Informed Story Engagement we will work together to name the impact of our childhood experiences, identify themes and process the places of both harm and hope.

Our Story Groups meet for 5-6 weeks, and range between 4-6 participants. The Facilitator will be the first to share a story to help set the pace, followed by each participant who will have the opportunity to engage their story two times. Each story session includes a guided facilitation, where the participants will engage each others stories with curiosity and truth, helping the story teller to work through the nuances of their story.

Upon registration, you will be provided with a “How to Write a Story” guideline to support your personal reflection and writing process. Not to worry, no writing experience is needed. We all have so many stories that hold meaning and are the key to unlocking our hearts for freedom and healing!


2024 Spring Daytime - 5 Week - Virtual Story Group - FULL

Duration: 90 min session X 5
Dates: 5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/23, 5/30
Time: Thursdays @12:00pm-1:30pm EST
Cost: $375

  • Do you feel alone in your struggle to find healing?

    Are you struggling to reconcile your past and present on your own?

    Are you open to sharing your story with others and gaining new perspective on how your past has impacted you?

    Are you willing to learning about your style of relating and how it affects others?

    Are you able to help create safety for others by committing to mutual non-judgmental and confidential sharing space?

    Are you ready to turn towards your past in order reclaim your future?

Couples Story Work

Discover how your stories intersect.

The Couples Story Work & Online Marriage Course “Debrief & Engagement” package is a thought-provoking, collaborative engagement that inspires participants to consider how their family of origin, childhood experiences and their style of relating is impacting their current relationship. Combining the Allender Center Online Marriage Course, with dedicated facilitation and Story Work, couples will embark on a journey to discover themselves, and each other, with kindness, compassion & curiosity.

Navigating these waters can sometimes be difficult. You don't have to go it alone. We are here to help guide you through the course content, facilitate deep conversation, and create a safe space for you to share your stories.

IMPORTANT: This offering is for anyone who wants to deepen and grow in greater intimacy and connection with their partner, whether you have been married for many years, are single, dating, or preparing to be married.


  • Are you curious about how the events of your past are defining how you show up in your relationship today?

    Do you want to discover ways to disrupt the harmful patterns that are keeping you relationship from flourishing?

    Are you looking for a new ways to better understand each other and find healing for your relationship?

    Are you looking for a safe space to engage each other’s story?

    Are you ready to turn towards each other and find hope for your future?

    IMPORTANT: This offering is for anyone who wants to deepen and grow in greater intimacy and connection with their partner, whether you have been married for many years, are single, dating, or preparing to be married.

If you would like to set up a Custom Story Group for you or your organization, please inquire here.


“As your Story Coach, I will bear witness to your story and hold it with honor, offering you safe and compassionate care.”

I am Narrative Focused Trauma Care (NFTC) Story Coach who works with people in the areas of Trauma & Sexual Abuse. My training was through The Allender Center at The Seattle School of Psychology and Theology, and am a current Fellow and Facilitator for their NFTC Level 1 and Story Workshop offerings. I’m also a Life Coach through Coach U, Inc. In our time together I will help you engage the wholeness of your story, both the brokenness and the beauty. By naming and holding your stories of harm with honor and truth, you can pour life into the dry and thirsty places of your soul, allowing you to reconnect to others and God, giving way to life-giving transformation and healing.


  • Story Work is an invitation to share and engage our story with others who will hold them with honor and truth. By engaging the wholeness of our stories, both the brokenness and the beauty, we can pour life into the dry and thirsty places of our soul, reconnecting us to others and God, giving way to life-giving transformation and healing.

  • Our stories are important windows to gain a deeper understanding of what has shaped you into who you are today. As we share our story with trusted others who can name both our deep woundedness and our deep goodness, we grow a deeper capacity to move toward discovery, growth and healing and healthier relational patterns for the future. Our harmful coping mechanisms begin to shift into patterns of honor and care for our body, heart and soul.

  • Oftentimes, we think that if people knew the truth about our past and our stories, they would certainly reject us. We are actually experiencing deep shame that is working to isolate us from others in the midst of our pain and suffering. When we share our story with a safe community who desires for us to find hope and healing, we disarm shame, and open our hearts to find healing from our past.

  • No writing experience is required. Before the start of Individual or Group Story work, we will ask you reflect on your childhood (between the ages of 4-18yrs of age), and then write a short story (between 600-1000 words) about one of those significant events. Writing guidelines and support will be provided by your Story Facilitator.

  • Story Groups meet for two hours, for 6 weeks. Two stories are shared per session. The Facilitator will be the first to share a story to help set the pace, followed by the rest of the participants. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage their story two times, as we will rotate through the group twice. Once a story is shared, there will be a guided facilitation, where the participants will engage each others stories with curiosity and truth, helping the story teller to work through the nuances of their story.

  • Each session starts with a check-in, and can include thematic and foundational teaching on how to engage story, as well as includes self-care exercises through a combination of breathwork and grounding through poetry & breath prayers.

  • Engaging your past, especially stories of childhood harm through Story Work may feel therapeutic at times, however it is not therapy. It can be used in tandem with therapy after consulting with your therapist. If during our work together, you find yourself in need of additional support, we will be glad to provide resources to help you find a therapist or health care provider in your state.

"Truth lies at the bottom of the well."

~ Ancient Greek Philosopher Democritus

Important: Engaging your past, especially stories of childhood harm through Story Work may feel therapeutic at times, however it is not therapy. It can be used in tandem with therapy after consulting with your therapist. If during our work together, you find yourself in need of additional support, I will be glad to provide resources to help you find a therapist or health care provider in your state.

Want to learn more about our Life Coaching services?