Our stories hold the sacred places we’ve known, both the beautiful and broken. And this, my friend, is our common ground.

Hi, I'm Esperansita!

For the better part of my life, I lived in a constant state of hoping the next stage in life would bring me the peace and fulfillment I so desperately longed for!

Instead, I found myself disappointed and caught in an ever-growing web of shame and self-contempt. I did my best to keep things together through my faith, family and career, but all were built on top of layers of unprocessed grief, making my life feel like a ship in a constant storm. I had lost sight of who I was and where I came from. I didn't have the courage, nor the energy, to name the brokenness of my past.

It wasn’t until 2017, that the storm would finally begin to break. After watching the documentary, “The Heart Of Man”, I took hold of a new hope and began my personal journey of discovery and healing through Story Work and Life Coaching.

I came to understand how my past was playing out in my present world (family, friends, work, community) and how the negative soundtrack in my mind was hijacking my attempts to move forward.

It was taking a toll on my mind, body and soul and impacting the trajectory of my future.

Story by story, I found the courage to enter into my past, with honor and truth. It was in community that I began to find healing and the freedom to receive the love and care I was created for. As I was able to step into a new way of being in my own body, the all too familiar patterns of negative self-talk, shame and destructive coping mechanisms, slowly turned into patterns of blessing, honor and care for my body, heart and soul!

Now through The People Well, I help others integrate their past with their present; discover new perspectives and ways to move forward to reach their potential.

Join me. You are not meant to journey alone.


Education & Training

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, University of Windsor, 1997

Master of Science in Administration, International Business, Central Michigan University, 2004

Core Essentials Coach Graduate of Coach U, Inc., 2023

Licensed Facilitator of the Coaching Clinic (TM) for Coach U, Inc., 2022

Narrative Informed Trauma Care Program Level I,II,III (2021, 2022 & 2023 respectively), The Allender Center at the Seattle School of Psychology and Theology

Current Fellow & Facilitator at The Allender Center for 2023-2024 NFTC Level 1 and Story Workshop offerings.

TCK (Third Culture Kid) Debrief Certified - TCK Training, 2022

More About Me

I am a bi-racial White Latina woman; and proud daughter of an immigrant. All my life I have had to hold cultural tension, but learning to hold it well, for myself and others has been an intentional journey. Having both dominant and minority cultures in my DNA has taught me how to both hold harm and hope, as way to move forward.

A second born, middle child. Family dynamics are core to understanding our style of relating to others as adults. The roles we were assigned or assumed throughout our childhood inevitably played a part in our social-emotional development and patterns of survival.

I grew up a PK (Pastor’s Kid) and have experienced both the blessing and the heartache of ministry. Too often, the emotional needs of those who serve others are sacrificed in order to meet the needs of those they serve. If left unmet, these needs will wreak havoc in adulthood.

I am a Mechanical Engineer, turned Marketer, with more than 24 years of Automotive Industry experience, of which 9 years were spent working abroad. Navigating Corporate America, at home and across cultures, has taught me the value of integrity in the workplace. Self awareness is a life long journey that is the key to successful leadership.

I am a wife and a mother of two beautiful sons. My marriage has taught me the meaning of redemption and what it means to be covered in grace. Motherhood is the gift that has given me a lens to see my past in a new light and discover the way home to my younger self through the eyes of my boys.

I am a pursuer of Truth and in love with the One who saved my soul! My name Esperansita, is Spanish for “Little Hope”. Although it is my namesake, there were many times in my life I struggled to hold on to it, that is, until Jesus became the anchor of my soul.


Are you ready to step into the hope and freedom you were created for? We are here to help.