Into the Waters


Breath deep. Do not be afraid.

Align yourself with the moment.

Now draw in all the pieces.

All the parts that have been cast out,

Draw them in.

Those cast out in Anger, or in Sorrow,

Those in Fear, Longing, or Desire,

In Shame and Disbelief,

Draw them in.

Hand over hand,

Grasp by grasp,

Feel the tension. It is good.

Feel the resistance. It is well.

Feel the fight. It will reward.

Wait. Hold firm.

That which went out in Pain, returns as Comfort.

That which was born of Grief, is raised up in Hope.

That which was sown in Angst, is reaped in Joy.

Into the waters, they must go.

And from the tomb, they will arise.

Incomparable Comfort!

Unimaginable Hope!

Unspeakable Joy!




A Gentle Surrender