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We are so glad you are here!

It is our hope that the below Q&A will help any questions you might have about Story Work. If there is something we’ve missed, you can ask it in the Comment Section.

And…if you happened to stumble upon this post before reading “Tell Me More”, be sure to check it out too!

Your story deserves to be told. And we are here to listen!

What is Story Work?

Story Work is an invitation to share and engage our story with others who will hold them with honor and truth. By engaging the wholeness of our stories, both the brokenness and the beauty, we can pour life into the dry and thirsty places of our soul, reconnecting us to others and God, giving way to life-giving transformation and healing.

How does Story Work actually work?

Our stories are important windows to gain a deeper understanding of what has shaped you into who you are today. As we share our story with trusted others who can name both our deep woundedness and our deep goodness, we grow a deeper capacity to move toward discovery, growth and healing and healthier relational patterns for the future. Our harmful coping mechanisms begin to shift into patterns of honor and care for our body, heart and soul.

How does sharing my story in a group make a difference?

Oftentimes, we think that if people knew the truth about our past and our stories, they would certainly reject us. In this mindset, we are experiencing deep shame that is working to isolate us from others in the midst of our pain and suffering. When we share our story with a safe community who desires for us to find hope and healing, we disarm shame, and open our hearts to find healing from our past.

Do I need to have writing experience?

No writing experience is required. Before the start of Individual or Group Story work, we will ask you reflect on your childhood (between the ages of 4-18yrs of age), and then write a short story (between 600-1000 words) about one of those significant events. Writing guidelines and support will be provided by your Story Facilitator. 

How long does a Story Group run?

Our Story Groups can meet for 5-6 weeks and sessions run between 90-120min depending on the group size. Two stories are shared per session. The Facilitator will be the first to share a story to help set the pace, followed by the rest of the participants. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage their story two times, as we will rotate through the group twice. Once a story is shared, there will be a guided facilitation, where the participants will engage each others stories with curiosity and truth, helping the story teller to work through the nuances of their story.

What can I expect at a Story Group Session?

Each session starts with a check-in, and can include thematic and foundational teaching on how to engage story, as well as includes self-care exercises through a combination of breathwork and grounding through poetry & breath prayers.

Is Story Work considered therapy?

Engaging your past, especially stories of childhood harm through Story Work may feel therapeutic at times, however it is not therapy. It can be used in tandem with therapy after consulting with your therapist. If during our work together, you find yourself in need of additional support, we will be glad to provide resources to help you find a therapist or health care provider in your state.

Get answers.

If you have a question that isn’t answered below, simply drop it in the comments section and we’ll get back to you!

Ready for the next step?

Learn more about our current Story Work offerings.

Register for an upcoming Story Group.


Immanuel… God is with us.


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